Our vision for Surf Life Saving

Lifesavers rescuing a boy from the surf

SLSA has a proud heritage with over 110 years of keeping Australia's beaches safe

During the early 1900s, Australian beaches were growing in popularity and attracting crowds - but many beachgoers couldn't swim. Drownings were increasing, and after multiple drownings in Sydney, locals formed the Surf Bathing Association of New South Wales, which later became Surf Life Saving Australia.

Our heroes of the surf

With over 180,000 members from all age groups and demographics and 315 affiliated Surf Life Saving Clubs, Surf Life Saving represents the largest volunteer movement of its kind in Australia, and the world. Over the decades, SLSA has evolved, passing on knowledge from one generation to the next. This growth has been fundamental to its success in managing some of the most dangerous and unpredictable beaches in the world. Over the years, more than 685,000 people have been rescued by a surf lifesaver.

Along with Surf Life Saving Australia, we aim to make Australia’s beaches safer by striving for zero preventable deaths in Australian waters. We want to inspire all Australians to see that Surf Life Saving is a worthy cause and to donate, get involved with volunteer work and be safe in the water.

Along with Surf Life Saving Australia, we aim to make Australia’s beaches safer by striving for zero preventable deaths in Australian waters. We want to inspire all Australians to see that Surf Life Saving is a worthy cause and to donate, get involved with volunteer work and be safe in the water.

The Surf Life Saving effect

A Deloitte study on the social and economic value of SLSA found that for every $1 invested into Surf Life Saving Australia, more than $20 in value is returned back into the community. This has a significant ripple effect, including savings on our healthcare system, education and tourism. Over a 15-year period of analysis, the total net benefit to the Australian community is $97 billion.

The impact of these figures is enormous, and it emphasises the value of SLSA's service and contributions to Australian coastal safety; reinforcing that when you donate, you're helping to save lives in a very real and direct way.