Invest in the Surf Life Saving Rescue Fund

Lifesavers pulling on red and yellow caps

The Rescue Fund is a charitable investment scheme operated by The Surf Life Saving Foundation.

The Surf Life Saving Rescue Fund can accept investments only on behalf of Surf Life Saving entities which are members of, or affiliated with, Surf Life Saving Australia.

Why was the Fund created?

The objective of the Fund is to maximise the net (after fees) earnings under management at an acceptable level of risk that protects the capital value of the investments.

The Fund has two components: the Perpetuity component which includes funds held in trust by the Foundation in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed of the Foundation Perpetuity Trust, and the withdrawable component which includes funds directly invested by Surf Life Saving entities.

All of the monies in the Fund are pooled within three investment options (short-term, medium-term and long-term), all with their own distinct investment allocations. By pooling funds into these three investment options, the Fund is able to utilise large scale and specialised investment resources that would not otherwise be available to Surf Life Saving entities to maximise their net investment returns. The costs of administering the Fund are borne by the Foundation; the Foundation does not charge or retain any fees from the Fund.

More about the Investment Committee

In exercising its responsibilities as operator of the Surf Life Saving Rescue Fund and Trustee of the Foundation Perpetuity Trust, the Surf Life Saving Foundation has a strong focus on governance. The Foundation Board has established an independent Investment Committee whose role is to provide oversight and strategic advice on the effective investment of the Fund.

The Investment Committee meets regularly and reviews the effectiveness of the Fund’s investment performance, market risks and opportunities, and advises on investment policy.

Investment Committee

Ed Prendergast - Chairman, BEcon, GradDipAppFin -
Investment Committee

Ed Prendergast - Chairman, BEcon, GradDipAppFin
Ed Prendergast is Co-manager of the Pengana Emerging Companies Fund, which he established with Steve Black in 2004. He was previously a Director at Citigroup, and Head of the Small Companies research team. In total, Ed spent 10 years researching small companies for stockbrokers – primarily at Citigroup and ABN Amro, and was top-ranked by BRW in 2003 and 2004. Ed has a Bachelor of Economics from La Trobe University and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance (SIA).